
How investing in tech will help you work smarter in 2024

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Our email signature management software is already proven for its ability to create, control, and manage email signatures across organizations. But did you know that you can take productivity to the next level by upgrading your license?

With this upgrade, you’ll help both your IT team, and the wider business, to work smarter to achieve your business goals in 2024.

Fire up productivity

With many organizations experiencing budget cuts, coupled with higher targets and increased workloads, it’s hard to stay on top of it all.

So, what’s the secret to working smarter? Forbes suggests cutting down your to-do list. By starting the day with a massive unrealistic list of tasks, you make yourself look unproductive and will feel like you’re setting yourself up for failure. But by automating simple tasks, you can focus energy on more important work decisions.

This means investing in smart tools that’ll help you automate more tasks. In fact, 76% of the CEOs in PwC’s 24th annual CEO survey (2023) reported plans to invest in automating processes and systems over the next 12 months.

Email automation and empowerment

With email signature management software, you can design and manage email signatures from one location. You get to automate this manual task, delegate while keeping control, and gain time to focus on what matters.

But what sets a ‘good’ signature management software package apart from a ‘great’ one? It comes down to not just automation, but empowering others without any extra IT resources. And with IT able to assign user access levels, all this can happen without compromising IT control and security.

Pro features to amplify your emails

Exclaimer’s Pro package, our most comprehensive plan, comes with a host of incredible features that empower all departments that have a stake in the email signature management process.

For example:

  • User editable fields: Give employees controlled access to update specific contact fields including pronouns and working hours.

  • Rotating banners: Let the marketing team supercharge multiple promotional campaigns.

  • Usage and engagement dashboard: Give the whole team access to insights that will help inform future strategy.

  • One-click feedback: Allowing any team to get quick access to survey results like customer satisfaction.

Here’s the low down on these advanced features in more detail. 

User editable fields

Minor updates to email signatures like changing a surname are easy when users can do them with our User Detail Editor, saving you and your team time and effort.

You can set rules around exactly which details are editable so users can self-serve without changing the style of the signature or accessing your user directory, which could cause a security issue. You can also make details like pronouns changeable by the user, putting control in their hands.

Rotating banners

The rotating banner feature lets you display multiple messages in the same space. Advanced targeting allows you to automatically assign different signatures based on specific domain rules, ensuring consistent branding.

Plus, with this feature, you can give your marketing colleagues a new, low-cost promotional channel. Supercharge marketing and communications campaigns with a channel that can’t be used by competitors, and that’s completely trusted by your target audiences.

Usage and engagement dashboard

With our usage dashboard, you can deep dive into analytics such as how many emails are imprinted with a signature, instead of relying on users letting you know when there’s an issue. You can run reports and export data to see how many mailboxes are receiving a signature and flag those that aren’t.

The dashboard also proactively monitors your system health, showing active template folders and the percentage of emails being sent without a signature at any one time. It means you can be confident that the system is working for you, and, with full visibility, you can immediately answer any queries that come your way.

Your marketing colleagues will also thank you for the benefits that the analytics dashboard brings to them. They’ll be able to A/B test marketing messages and easily track ROI from their signature campaigns.

One-click feedback

Need to know how your IT helpdesk is performing? Add a one-click survey to your emails and get results instantly.

Using a ‘traffic light’ system, surveys embedded in your business emails ask users to rate a service from gold to red. Because you get the results straight away, you can act immediately if a result is negative.

And it’s not just IT who can benefit from this. You can add surveys to emails sent by your Customer Support teams to get instant feedback and ones from your HR department who get the benefit of immediately knowing how staff are doing. You can even use Exclaimer’s surveys on your website when you need more detail.

Work smarter with Exclaimer

Our email signature management software takes your communication strategies to new heights while streamlining business processes. By upgrading your license and using our Pro features, you can tailor your email signatures to achieve your company goals. With instant feedback, advanced targeting, user empowerment, and data-rich insights, you gain the tools to optimize your email communication and enhance your organization's productivity.

So, why settle for a standard email signature when you can harness the power of our advanced features? Upgrade today and unleash the potential of your email communication.

Or book a demo to see for yourself how our advanced Pro features could help you and your organization.

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