Exclaimer ROI Calculator

Discover how using Exclaimer's email signature management platform can energize productivity and fuel demand.

email signature management with social options

Turn business email into demand

See how email signature campaigns could quickly become your highest ROI marketing channel with our calculator.

Calculate your ROI

Power up IT efficiency

Discover the potential time and cost savings your organization could achieve with our email signature management solution.

Calculate your ROI

Marketing ROI calculator

  • Calculate the untapped potential of your one-to-one business emails and ignite your organization's revenue growth.

  • Every email presents a chance to show off your brand and attract new leads with personalized messages and calls to action that resonate with your audience.

  • Our customers see a 4% average click-through-rate on signature content.

Annual impressions


Annual click-throughs


Revenue influenced

$ 0

Annual cost of Exclaimer

$ 0


0 %

Days to recoup annual cost




Based on customer data, we estimate 40% of emails will reach an external recipient.


Open rate

Available data indicates an average open rate of 90% for one-to-one emails.


Click-through rate

Our customer data shows an average click-through rate of 4%.

Boost your business and ignite demand

Signature Management
ROI calculator

  • Discover how our platform effortlessly transforms the way your organization handles email signatures.

  • Enhance efficiency and save countless IT hours through centralized email signature management.

Total annual cost of email signature changes to your business

$ 0

Annual cost of Exclaimer (volume discounts available)

$ 0


0 %

Accelerate and automate email signature management

Plans to power up your emails

Select the perfect plan for your needs and elevate your company's email signatures to new heights.


Our basic plan delivers consistent email signatures across the entire organization.


Fire up your marketing potential with multiple templates, rotating banners and one-click surveys. 


Embrace the full power of email signatures with advanced signature targeting and scheduling, complete design customization, and access to analytics.

Explore plans & pricing

Frequently asked questions

How does the Marketing Calculator work?

The Marketing Calculator helps you estimate the ROI and potential revenue you can influence when using Exclaimer’s solution to transform email signatures into a marketing channel.

It considers factors like the total number of annual impressions and clicks that can be generated using Exclaimer, the amount of revenue you can influence with this engagement, and the cost of Exclaimer without volume discounts.