Making light work of RFL’s rebrand

rugby football league

The Rugby Football League (RFL) is the national governing body for Rugby League in the UK. It works in partnership with leagues, clubs, and Rugby League Foundations to offer new ways to play, from Play Touch Rugby League to Wheelchair RL. The RFL works hard to inspire and develop the next generation of young players and fans.

The challenge: Rebranding email signatures for 200 employees

The RFL recently went through a companywide rebrand. So, they naturally wanted their email signature templates to showcase their new look on every business email. However, making any manual updates to the signatures of over 200 staff members would often take up to four working days.

Finding the way forward 

The main challenge for the RFL was agreeing on a signature template that would complement their new brand. We helped RFL centralize all brand elements in one place, meaning they could quickly update email signatures for each department with the correct logos, images, and messaging. This wasn’t possible using Microsoft 365 alone.

Putting Exclaimer to the test 

After a successful test run of our cloud solution within the RFL technology team, it was implemented across the whole organization. Overall, we helped the RFL reduce their workload, eliminating the manual editing of email signatures while ensuring brand consistency on every message.

Flawless branding. Every time

After choosing our cloud-based solution to manage their email signatures, the RFL can now update signatures centrally to prevent incorrect or out-of-date branding being sent to their business contacts.

Testimonial from Matthew Dews, Head of Technology at the Rugby Football League 

“We worked with Exclaimer’s Customer Success team who were great and always willing to help. Even when off-the-clock, the team were willing to help with any questions. Exclaimer was always very professional, and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend its services.”

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