17 top email signature HTML templates with images
27 April 2022
0 min read
Email signature HTML templates with images are standard these days. The email signature templates below use imagery to send a strong professional message to recipients. HTML email signature examples like this would really stand out in someone’s inbox.
HTML email signature template examples
1. This is an email signature template with HTML images example, using a corporate logo, promoting the time it’s been in business for and additional seasonal imagery. Christmas email signature templates are always popular in Europe, North America, and Australasia in December.
2. A large corporate logo and award finalist image play a large part in this email signature template with HTML images.
3. This signature is text-based but then uses several HTML images to promote the organization’s expertise.
4. This is an HTML email signature design with logos for the different parts of the organization.
5. This one’s an email signature template with HTML images that uses imagery as a strong call-to-action. Additional award images are placed next to the social media icons and under the email disclaimer.
6. Here’s another HTML email signature example using text for the contact details and additional HTML images underneath.
7. Lots of HTML images are used in this email signature design to promote customer satisfaction.
8. HTML images are used in this email signature design to promote the accreditations this organization has achieved.
9. This organization has won several awards so it promotes them using HTML images in its email signature.
10. Here’s another email signature template with HTML images that displays an industry award.
11. Subtle imagery is used to add additional information to this HTML email signature design.
12. In this design, HTML email signature images such as a corporate logo and accreditations highlight that the organization is a trusted authority in its field.
13. This is another email signature template with HTML images that shows recipients the accreditations the company has achieved.
14. Images play a large part in this email signature template, promoting an event the company will be attending and an award win.
15. The organization’s corporate logo is used alongside an award certification image in this email signature.
16. The corporate logo is the first part you see in this HTML email signature example, which comes complete with an additional image highlighting a partnership.
17. HTML images are used to perfect the design of this email signature template.
Start supercharging your email signature templates
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