How IT leaders can drive growth in 2024

With technological advancements transforming the way we work, it’s a golden opportunity for IT to play a key role in supporting business growth. But is this how IT leaders see it? 

To delve into this very topic, Dan Sloshberg, VP Marketing of Product and Customer Marketing at Exclaimer, is joined by Steve Odell, Director of Engineering at Wellsky, and Eli Potter, CIO as a Service at Insight Partners. Together, they’ll discuss the challenges facing IT leaders, and their strategies for improving organizational efficiency. 

This webinar explores: 

  • IT leaders’ strategic priorities for 2024 

  • Navigating efficiency challenges 

  • Leveraging automation and AI  

The state of IT: IT's role in fueling organizational growth

Check out the research covered in this webinar by accessing our IT research report.

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