The top 16 mobile email signature templates

mobile email signature templates

If you only create email signature designs with desktops in mind, you’re alienating over half your audience. This is why mobile email signatures are so important for your brand reputation 

So, you must ensure all your email signatures are mobile friendly. There’s nothing worse than creating a design that breaks when read on a mobile device.  

Example mobile email signature templates 

These templates showcase mobile email signatures and the importance of designing signatures for mobiles. 

1. This mobile signature example shows how email signatures must be short and concise. 

2. This mobile email signature template includes contact info such as phone number and business email address. 

3. This mobile email signature example includes a promotional banner. 

4. iOS is the most popular email client so email signature templates must work on iPhones. 

5. Don’t add lots of links to your signature. This email signature template only includes a few. 

6. The banner in this mobile email signature template is designed to be easy to click on, taking you to a YouTube channel. 

7. A mobile email signature design has to be easy-to-read and as clear as possible like in this template example. 

8. When designing email signature templates for mobile, remember that large images can be slow to load and cause formatting issues. Instead, use a smaller image as in this example. 

9. This email signature example shows how to include contact details, social media, and HTML images without it looking cluttered. 

10. This email signature design uses HTML imagery to make the template more visual.  

11. A simple and clean design with minimal contact details and corporate logo. 

12. A different layout is used in this design. Contact details appear on the left and HTML images on the right. 

13. This design includes various ways to reach the sender, a corporate logo and some weblinks.

14. Social media icons are prominent is this email signature example.  

15. A mobile email signature template doesn’t have to include images. This example only uses text to provide the sender’s contact details.  

16. An HTML image plays the largest part of this design, accentuating the company’s brand. 

Choosing Exclaimer for mobile email signature management 

Create email signatures that work on all devices, including mobiles, with Exclaimer. Ensure every email sent from your company has a professional email signature included in all instances.

Learn more about Exclaimer or get yourself a free trial today

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