Master the art of business email: The best business email templates

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According to email statistics reports by Radicati, the average office worker receives approximately 125 business emails per day, with this number expected to increase. By the end of 2024, Radicati estimates that a staggering 4.5 billion consumer and business emails will be sent and received daily.

While billions of emails are sent each day, their effectiveness varies. In this guide, we aim to highlight what makes a business email, giving you popular business email templates that you can use, and their benefits to your marketing strategy. Discover how to optimize your email communication for maximum impact and results.

Business email templates for newsletters

Newsletter emails are a highly popular method of communication in business email marketing. They serve as a valuable platform for delivering company news, recommendations, and announcements to subscribers, while also establishing brand authority and nurturing consumer relationships. Striking a balance between informative content and self-promotion is crucial in newsletters.

Determining the frequency of newsletter emails has been a long-standing debate, but it should align with your business and marketing goals. For instance, if your services or information are time-sensitive, a weekly newsletter may be ideal. However, bombarding subscribers with daily newsletters can be overwhelming and annoying, especially if you offer expensive one-off services.

Regardless of the frequency, it is important to send out newsletters consistently and fulfill your promises. Customers who sign up for a monthly newsletter expect to receive it once a month, not every other month. Newsletter emails come in various formats, and finding a single template can be challenging.

However, below is a simple B2C newsletter template that we can dissect and adapt as needed.

Subject Line: Summer’s nearly here. Is your garden ready?

[Company branding with eye-catching header/design]

[Option to view in browser]

Summer is fast approaching so that means it’s time to plan ahead. Here’s a roundup of our favorite posts this month – everything from summer garden inspiration and cutting-edge garden tools, to design tips disclosed by the experts. Get your garden flourishing in no time, and with half the effort.

[Link to products page w/ image and description]

Looking to hone your gardening skills? Check out our video tutorials for the very best tips and tricks:

[Link to blog post 1 w/ description]
[Link to blog post 2 w/ description]
[Link to blog post 3 w/ description]

[Call to action that links to company services/products]

[Footer with social links, company information, and a clear unsubscribe button]

While simple, this newsletter email succeeds on a number of levels:

  • Opt for a concise and clear subject line – lengthy subject lines can get cut off in subscribers' inboxes. Keep them short, simple, and straight to the point. Also, pay attention to punctuation and emoji usage. Experiment with different variations to discover what works best.

  • Create a sense of urgency – include time-sensitive phrases like 'fast', 'limited time', 'act quickly' to evoke a feeling of potential missed opportunities.

  • Have a clear objective in mind (encourage blog engagement).

  • Understand your audience (gardeners or individuals with gardens).

  • Make the unsubscribe button easily accessible – hiding it frustrates customers and may result in the newsletter being marked as spam. Ensure compliance with GDPR regulations.

  • Include a 'view in browser' option – this guarantees accessibility for everyone, regardless of their device. Ensure the newsletter is responsive and optimized for mobile, desktop, and tablet viewing.

To create an impactful newsletter email, it's crucial to understand your audience, align with your business goals, and have a clear purpose. These factors shape the appearance, subject line style, content, and tone of voice of your newsletter.

In addition, using email marketing tracking software allows you to monitor important metrics like subscriber growth, unsubscribe rate, and open rate. Consider conducting A/B tests to optimize different aspects of your newsletter and maximize engagement.

Welcome business email templates

Welcome emails are a crucial first step in establishing a B2C or B2B relationship. They are the initial business emails you send to new subscribers, allowing them to familiarize themselves with your brand and build consumer trust. Compliant with email marketing laws, particularly GDPR, welcome emails play a significant role in increasing engagement and receptivity.

According to a study by GetResponse, the open rate for welcome emails is an impressive 82%, surpassing other types of business marketing emails. As a type of 'transactional email,' welcome emails are automated messages delivered to subscribers based on specific actions, such as signing up for a newsletter, downloading an app, setting up an account, or registering for an event.

Our email template is versatile, covering various scenarios, and can be customized to align with your unique situation, company, and goals.

Subject line: Welcome to [company], [name]

[Company branding with eye-catching header/slogan/design]

Hi [name],

Thanks so much for joining us, a big welcome from the [company] team. You’re now signed up to receive marketing communications from us.

We founded [company] because [company goals/values].

Now that you’re part of the club, you’ll be the first to know about all the latest special offers, blog articles, product features, events, freebies and much more. You can amend the type of emails you receive from at any time by visiting our preference center.

Choose one of the options below to start your journey:

[Link to resource 1 w/ description]
[Link to resource 2 w/ description]
[Link to resource 3 w/ description]

Have a question? Send us an email. We’re always happy to chat.

Best wishes,

The [company] team

[Footer with social links, company information, and a clear unsubscribe button]

A subject line with a personalized touch works wonders for welcome emails. Simply mentioning the recipient's name can easily achieve this. You can also consider using a question, highlighting a special offer, or guiding your subscribers towards a specific goal.

  • Personalized – Welcome to [company], [name].

  • Question – You’re in. Ready to get started?

  • Offer – Welcome, [name]. Your 20% discount code awaits

  • Direction – Account confirmed. Here are the next steps:

Welcome emails vary, as mentioned, but it can be helpful to think of them in five basic parts:

  1. Thanks/greeting – greet the subscriber and thank them for signing up, for downloading the app, for creating an account, etc.

  2. Business goals/values – briefly outline your organizational mission/values.

  3. What the customer can expect – provide information about the type of content they can expect from you, the services, and offers that are now available to them, etc.

  4. What the customer should do next – this can be anything from waiting for a follow-up email, completing their customer profile, navigating to useful resources, etc.

  5. Friendly goodbye – encourage customer feedback, share important contact information and link to your social channels.

Our business email template is not only straightforward but also highly effective in covering each of these points. Depending on your specific needs, welcome emails can vary in design, directing users to resources and information, or even centering around gifts and coupons.

It's crucial to carefully consider which business email style aligns best with your organization and, most importantly, how you can establish your brand personality and make a lasting impression.

Promotional email business templates

Promotional emails are commonly seen in business email marketing. While email newsletters typically spread educational or informational content, the ultimate goal of the promotional email is to raise awareness about a particular product or service.

Some examples include:

  • Product sale

  • Product launch

  • Special offers/discounts

  • Giveaways/competitions

  • Seasonal gifts

  • Upgrading to a plan

  • Business event

Promotional emails are highly effective in generating conversions, facilitating the buying process, increasing awareness, and delivering targeted messages promptly. Like other business email examples, they should employ persuasive techniques, captivating subject lines, and align with your brand. When executed well, they can serve as a valuable revenue driver.

Promotional emails can vary in style, ranging from minimalist to information-rich, depending on the product or service being marketed. However, it's important to remember that subscribers don't want to spend all day reading your email.

Below, you'll find an example of a promotional email that raises awareness of a sale. It's worth noting that excessive promotional messaging in subject lines can trigger spam filters.

[make the email content stand out on the page so as to differentiate it from the surrounding text]

Subject line: Out of lipstick? Get 25% off this June.

[Company branding with eye-catching header/design]

LIMITED-TIME SALE: Offer ends July 31st

You’ll be glad to hear we’ve slashed the prices of all your favorite lipsticks – including [personalized product information]. Browse our range and look your best this season.

[‘Shop now’ call to action button]

[Selection of products from sale with original, and new pricing, images, and customer reviews]

[‘Shop now’ call to action button]

[Footer with social links, sale information, company information, and a clear unsubscribe button]

We have spent time analyzing many promotional email examples, and nearly all of them are composed of six main parts to varying degrees:

  1. Company branding/header: Ensure a distinct and captivating company branding with an eye-catching header/design.

  2. Call to action title: Reflect the primary objective of the promotional email through a compelling call to action title. Examples include 'Upgrade your account.', 'Save up to 50% this winter', and 'Subscribe today and save 50%'.

  3. Description of product/service: Provide comprehensive information about the product or service.

  4. Call to action button: Incorporate a button or link that subscribers must click on to convert. Use engaging CTA text such as 'Apply now', 'Register here', 'Upgrade now', and 'Browse our collection'.

  5. Product/service image with information: Include an image that showcases the product or service. This could range from the featured product on sale, the front cover, and contents of a magazine, a gift card, to a picture of the venue, etc.

  6. Footer with social links/clear unsubscribe button: Add social links, essential contact information, important sale details, and a noticeable unsubscribe button in the footer.

It’s important to get creative with your promotional emails, and tailor them to your strategy. Do you think the product speaks for itself? Then make product images the selling point of the email and reduce descriptive copy. Convincing subscribers to upgrade to a paid plan? Then consider focusing more attention on the benefits of upgrading than graphics. Think carefully about what your subscribers will value the most in your promotional email, and how to deliver this to them.

Our promotional email example demonstrates segmentation - a strategy in email marketing where subscribers are grouped based on specific criteria (e.g., demographics). In our example, we target shoppers who have previously purchased specific types of lipstick. If segmentation is feasible for your business, it enables you to create highly relevant campaigns for your subscribers. Personalization is crucial, and according to Epsilon, 80% of customers are more likely to convert with personalized business emails.

1:1 Business email templates

1:1 business emails are personalized and targeted messages sent to an individual recipient. This type of email is usually reserved for specific purposes, such as customer service, a follow-up to a previous conversation, or a request for information or assistance.

While 1:1 business emails may not appear as glamorous or strategic as newsletter and promotional emails, they play a crucial role in maintaining customer relationships and ensuring a positive experience with your brand. In contrast to other business emails, 1:1 emails typically use an informal, conversational tone that engages the reader and makes them feel valued.

It's essential to consider all elements of your email for optimal impact – from the subject line to the closing sign-off.

Subject line

Personalization is key in 1:1 emails, use the recipient's name to make it appear more personal – this will increase the chances of your email being opened and read. If possible, consider relating the subject line directly to a previous conversation you've had with them.

Good news for [name]


Use an informal greeting that acknowledges the recipient by name. This could be as simple as 'Hi [name],' or something more personalized.

Hi [name],


Keep the tone of your email conversational, but also keep in mind that you're representing your brand. Be personal and friendly, but also professional.

I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to follow-up on our previous conversation about [topic]. I have some exciting news for you.


Thank the recipient for their time and consideration, include any necessary follow-up information, and encourage them to reach out with any further questions or concerns.

Thanks again for your interest in our services, [name]. If you have any additional questions or would like to schedule a call, please don't hesitate to reach out. Looking forward to hearing from you.


Keep the sign-off friendly and personalized, using your name and a professional email signature.

Take care,

[Your Name]

1:1 business emails may seem simple, but they require careful thought and consideration to ensure the personalized touch that sets them apart from other types of business emails. By keeping a conversational tone and staying professional, you can build strong, positive relationships with your customers through 1:1 emails.

Remember to always keep the tone personal and consistent with your brand voice. Building a connection with your customers through these individualized messages will help foster trust and loyalty in your brand.

So next time you're composing an email, remember that even the seemingly small ones can make a difference.

The power of email signatures in business emails

Email signatures are often the final touch in 1:1 business email communications, acting as a personal seal of professionalism and authenticity. They provide essential contact information, making it convenient for recipients to reach out with follow-up actions.

Tailored email signatures can include social media icons, reinforcing the brand's presence across various platforms and encouraging engagement beyond the email itself. In addition, the inclusion of job titles and qualifications in signatures underlines expertise, fostering trust and confidence in the conversation.

Here are some key elements to consider when crafting a professional email signature:

  • Name and job title: This makes it clear who the sender is and their position within the company.

  • Contact information: This should include your email address, phone number, and any relevant social media links. It's also a good idea to hyperlink these for easy access.

  • Call to action: Your signature is an excellent place to add a call to action, such as directing recipients to your website or signing up for a newsletter.

Choosing Exclaimer to elevate your business emails

Using Exclaimer to enhance your business emails with professional signatures simplifies the process and boosts your professional image. This tool seamlessly integrates your company's branding, contact details, and personal touch into all email correspondence, ensuring consistency and reinforcing your brand.

Exclaimer's user-friendly platform allows you to effortlessly create compelling, mobile-friendly signatures, giving your email closings an extra boost. By centralizing control, you can ensure that every email reflects your brand identity, fostering engagement and maintaining a clear and trustworthy business voice.

Ready to take your signature game to new heights? Explore Exclaimer's professional platform to unlock the full potential of your email closings. Try our interactive product tour for a hands-on experience or discover how to streamline your company's email signatures with a personalized online demo. Transform your email signature into a lasting impression today.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How can promotional emails benefit my business?

Promotional emails are an effective way to generate conversions, raise awareness about a product or service, and deliver targeted messages promptly. They can serve as a valuable revenue driver and help improve your brand's reach and engagement with customers. Additionally, promotional emails can also help build a stronger relationship with your subscribers by providing them with relevant and valuable information.

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