The positive benefits of a personal email signature (with examples)

personal email signature

Corporate email signatures are used for a variety of reasons, from promoting social channels to following legal disclaimer laws, and everything in between.  

You might not feel a need to have any sort of personal email signature. However, you should probably re-think this idea, and here’s why. 

It’s often the case that you only ever use email in your personal life for formal activities. Some personal email signature examples might include job hunting, contacting a customer services department, or dealing with a bank. You’re more likely to use instant messaging and social media for speaking with friends and family. This is why it’s good practice to use a personal email signature when sending emails. 

Depending on how you want to use an email signature, its main goal is always to tell people and companies who they’re dealing with. It provides important information and makes it easier for you to be contacted. An email signature is also a great way to promote your own personal brand. It lets you present yourself as a professional, which can be a game-changer if you’re hunting for a new job. 

How to make a personal email signature

Creating an effective personal email signature isn't difficult - with just a few simple steps you can make your email correspondence stand out from the crowd.

Include Basic Contact Information

Think of your personal email signature as an electronic business card. The main information to include would be:

  • Your full name

  • Email address

  • Phone number

  • Website (if applicable)

A simple rule of thumb; don't make people work to connect with you. Make sure all your essential contact details are easily found within your email signature.

Use Professional Social Media Links

If you're active on professional social media networks like LinkedIn or have a professional blog, add these to your signature as well. However, remember not to overload the reader with links - only include what’s relevant for your professionalism.

Again, using tools like Exclaimer's email-signature software could simplify this process and alleviate some headaches when trying to implement these elements into a visually pleasing format.

Below are some other tips that will help you to create the perfect personal email signature: 

  • Use between four and seven lines for your signature. Your design should be eye-catching yet well-organized. If you include too much information, your template will look cluttered and untidy. 

  • Condense information by using grammar such as colons to separate text on the same line. 

  • It’s a good idea to not include inspirational quotes when creating an email signature. These are often subjective and provide no added value to your email. It’s also important to note that not all people’s personal values will align with yours. 

  • If you’re using HTML, test the design thoroughly in different email clients to see if it renders correctly. 

  • Don’t include a legal disclaimer. You only need to do this if you work for a company. 

Personal email signature use cases 

Your personal email signature should not only reflect who you are professionally but also highlight something about you personally - perhaps even showcasing some creativity!

Maybe include a favorite quote or add color to match your branding. You could also share a key achievement or mention a unique hobby. A little creativity here will help you stand out and make your email more memorable.

Job hunting 

A lot of people use a personal email signature for job hunting. It’s a great way to quickly display your contact information, so recruiters and employers know the best ways to contact you.

You can also add a LinkedIn icon so recruiters can have a quick glance at your work history 

Student signature 

Whether you’re just starting your degree, or you’ve just finished it, a student email signature is another example of what a personal email signature can be used for. 

Whether you’re using it while contacting employers for a summer internship or when emailing someone for a quote in an essay, a student email signature can have a positive impact. 


Personal email signatures are particularly useful if you’re a freelancer either seeking an opportunity or liaising with a contact for your work.

If you’re a freelancer with your own website or online portfolio, you can easily link to it in an email signature. Consider this example:

John Doe | Freelance Graphic Designer Website:

Phone: +123456789 LinkedIn
Turning ideas into visual realities

In this example, John has provided his basic contact information, highlighted his expertise ("Freelance Graphic Designer"), added his LinkedIn profile link (a professional social connection), and ended with a brand statement (“Turning ideas into visual realities”) which succinctly defines his brand promise.

Online content creator 

If you’re an online content creator who runs a blog or a YouTube channel, you might be likely to get in contact with brands for sponsored content opportunities. 

By using a personal email signature, you’ll come across as a credible person, and you can directly include a link to your blog and social media pages. Consider this example:

Jane Smith | Lifestyle Blogger and Influencer Email:
My Latest Blog Post
"Celebrate life's little moments with me."
Brand Ambassador for XYZ Company

In the above example, Jane not only shares her primary role (as blogger and influencer), but also adds links straight through to her latest work and a professional Instagram profile. The branded quote adds a personal touch, while the note about being an ambassador for XYZ Company reinforces her influence in the blogging sphere.


These are some basic examples, but there’s a lot more you can get out of a personal email signature if you use it correctly. 

For more information, make sure to check out our official Email Signatures for Dummies guide. 

FAQs about Personal Email Signatures

What is a good email signature?

A good email signature is simple and concise with relevant contact information, social networks or websites links if applicable. It may also include job title/company name (for professional settings) or something personalized.

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